Safety Audits & Remediation Inspection Case Study
Solution at a Glance
- Services Provided: Rack Safety Inspections, Rack Repair and Remediation
- Products Provided: Rack Repair Kits, Rack Protection
- Location: Numerous facilities throughout the US and Puerto Rico
Concern: Nationwide Rack Safety
A company that stores boxes of records wanted to address rack safety concerns across their nationwide network of several hundred warehouses. They wanted to standardize their safety requirements.
REB is a longtime partner of the company, providing them storage systems across the US. The company contacted REB and inquired about REB’s rack safety and repair program.
REB’s nationwide capabilities allowed REB to partner with the company to address rack safety concerns on the large scale required. This partnership continues to this day.
Solution: Nationwide Rack Safety Inspections
Since 2010, REB has conducted rack safety inspections for the company.
The company has a dedicated person per warehouse to conduct internal safety audits. Once a safety concern is identified, a REB professional safety inspector is called in to conduct a full inspection. Through this, they identify any further damage or deficiencies within their facility.
This rack safety inspection is an in-depth evaluation that allows any of the following notable damage concerns to be identified:
- Column damage
- Horizontal and diagonal strut damage
- Footplate damage
- Overloaded beams or frames
- Beam damage
- Decking damage
After the inspection, REB presents the company with a scope drawing. This details the location of each type of damage, along with other safety concerns. As a result, the company can clearly assess all safety concerns and identify which repairs they’d like to have completed.
To better understand our rack safety inspection process, click here to be directed to our rack safety inspection service page.
Solution: Nationwide Rack Repair
Once the company approves the repairs, a REB project manager is assigned to the project to handle all timelines and subcontractors. The project manager is the sole point of contact for the company and oversees all material, freight, and rack repair or protection installations to completion.
The REB project manager also evaluates bids from all sub-contractors to get the best prices and lead times. This allows the rack damage to be repaired as quickly as possible, minimizing any potential danger to the company’s employees or inventory.
Typically, uprights found with damage can be repaired rather than replaced. This can include a single column, both columns, and/or struts. Repairing the uprights decreases the operational downtime compared to replacing the rack.
REB repairs each rack according to ANSI/RMI guidelines. A special rack lifting jack is used to perform the repairs. The rack is lifted, and the bottom damaged portion is removed and replaced.
To learn more about the rack repair process, click here to view our rack repair service page.
The inspections go beyond damaged uprights. Further damage and safety concerns often found includes:
- Missing safety clips
- Missing footplate anchors
- Damaged beams
- Damaged decking
- Leaning frames
Solution: Nationwide Rack Protection
Rack protection recommendations are also included in the proposal following a rack safety inspection. REB provides all the following rack protection products to the company:
- Frame extensions
- Down aisle protection
- Beam safety locks
- End of row protection
- Column protection
Implementing rack protection into their systems helps the company minimize damage that the racking may sustain from accidental collisions that occur between the forklifts and the racking. This in turn helps reduce the need for further repairs to be made.
Outcome: Safe and Compliant Warehouses Nationwide
The company now has rack safety standards across their network of warehouses. They now have a program of recurring safety inspections. As a result, their warehouses are compliant and are a safe environment for workers.
REB’s capability of leveraging our expansive network of vendors and manufacturers significantly reduces the company’s costs for inspection and repair services. The implementation of rack protection will also help reduce the likelihood of future damage occurring to the racking.
How You Can Achieve a Safe, Compliant Rack System
If you have concerns that your rack system is unsafe, contact REB today.
We have a dedicated team of rack safety professionals who conduct rack safety inspections for our nationwide customer base. We are highly experienced in identifying rack safety concerns and staying up to date on all rack safety regulations.
We’d appreciate the opportunity to help you further, whether that be more information or a quote. Fill in the contact form on this page or call us at (800) 252-5955 to get in touch with a REB representative.