Achieving Workplace Synergy – A Letter from REB’s President
Workplace synergy takes place when employees come together to make a greater impact than they would separately. Synergy results in high productivity, efficiencies and employee accountability. This can be achieved when company goals are set and everyone collaboratively sees the whole process through to completion.
Team effort is key in attaining growth and success. By promoting workplace synergy, it allows feedback and multiple sets of skills to be utilized to increase output. Not only does working in teams enhance productivity, it reduces the pressure on individuals to complete tasks at hand to ensure deadlines are met. This makes goals more attainable and optimizes your operation.
To keep employees motivated, creating a shared sense of leadership is just as important as working as a team. A person in a leadership role should encourage employees to provide ideas and feedback to accomplish goals. When employees feel like their feedback is valued, it promotes cohesion and trust.
Synergy and communication are synonymous and are constantly being put into action. Effective communication is the backbone to successful team effort. Everyone has a different communication style and it is important to be aware and understand how your team communicates. If you are unsure how your team communicates, have them take an
– Lori L. Palmer, President, REB Storage Systems International