Wellness in the Workplace – A Letter from REB’s President
Many companies create a wellness program to improve and promote a healthy lifestyle for their employees. In addition to improving healthy lifestyles for employees, workplace wellness programs have many benefits to an organization. Employees who participate in wellness programs have lower absences, higher morale and increased productivity. Wellness programs can be outfitted with nutritional options, activities and challenges or mental and emotional wellness factors.
Companies can host nutritional seminars or workshops to help employees make healthier food choices. Vending machine options can be swapped for lower-calorie foods such as granola bars or flavored waters. Springing for an office fruit delivery service can also encourage employees to make healthier choices.
Encourage employees to stay active by hosting weekly, monthly or quarterly challenges for weight loss or fitness goals, such as a FitBit challenge. Companies can also coordinate employees to participate in sports leagues. These types of activities also promote team bonding.
It’s important for wellness programs to promote support for employees, both mentally and physically. When employees are stressed or affected in some way, their work performance could suffer. Employee assistance programs can be offered to help connect employees to counselors for difficult emotional or physical situations.
– Lori L. Palmer, President, REB Storage Systems International
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