Warehouse Rack Protection Options
Watch this video to learn what warehouse rack protection options are available and how they help avoid damage and injury (1-minute, 58-seconds).
Hi and welcome to this edition of Total Warehouse Tutorials. In this video, you will learn about rack protection options.
Incorporating protection items into your rack system is a must to avoid or slow the wear and tear process. Here we will discuss protection products commonly absent from rack systems.
Column Protection is a preventive way to avoid major damage from forklifts. It is recommended for all columns adjacent to main pallet aisles and staging areas, where vehicles have access to. There are various column protection types, including steel and high-grade polymer. Options can also include those that are bolted to the floor, and those that snap on to the upright.
Down-aisle protection helps guide equipment through a rack system, so that they do not run into the rack. It is recommended to be installed in all aisles accessed by vehicles.
End-of-row protection keeps equipment from running directly into frames. This is recommended at all row ends.
Frame extensions keep product from falling from the top of the rack. Frame extensions are recommended for all end of row uprights.
Multi-level systems can require additional protection to prevent tripping or falling from the upper levels.
One such item is kick plates, which prevents personnel traveling on the upper levels from tripping by eliminating space along aisles and row ends. Kick plates are recommended to be installed on the upper levels of the system at all aisle row ends and along all main aisles.
Handrails protect personnel from falling from the upper levels of the system. These are recommended to be installed along open aisles, around staircases, and at all row ends with drop-offs.
That’s it for this edition of Total Warehouse Tutorials. I hope you join us for our next one in which you will learn the various warehouse layout options and how it effects your product flow.
If you are concerned about the safety of your racking system, the sooner you address it the better. To speak to Joe Malerba, Director of Remediation Services at REB, directly, dial 773-366-8002. Alternatively, you can fill in the contact form on this page and Joe will contact you.
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